Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Simien Mountains (the chess table of gods)

The Simien Mountains are located in North-Western corner of Ethiopia and contain the country’s highest peaks. The tallest point is Ras Dashen (4543m), the fourth highest mountain in Africa. Many tourists would say that Simien Mountains offer the most dramatic mountain scenery on the continent. They have National Park status and consist of a high plateau which ends abruptly in deep escarpments up to 2000m deep from which there are vistas of up to 100km over the surrounding lowland valleys. The Northern escarpment offers the most dramatic scenery with wonderful views to numerous deep canyons, dramatic ridges, and isolated monoliths and spires.

According to an ancient greek myth this mountain is “the chess table of gods”. The lot of spires, towers, canyons and rock formations shows this is true. There are lot of villages, where the local Amharic people live. The mountain is not a home only for the local people, than the home for some endemic species. These attributes means the mountain has got a unique, beautiful and the same time wild faces.  The mountain lies in the northern part of Ethiopia. The mountain is a huge 60 km long escarpment.
Large section of the mountain has been incorporated into the Simien National Park, covering almost 180 km². The park has been declared a World Heritage Site by the UNESCO.

he mountain is home for some of Ethiopia’s endemic wildlife and birdlife species. In the mountain range, you will meet plenty of troops of Gelada Baboons, with their scarlet bleeding heart on the chest and long fur on their body.  The other endemic mammals is the Wyala ibex which is usually stand on the rocky edges of cliffs. The world population of these mammals about 400, which over half lives in the Simien.

The highly endangered Ethiopian wolf rarely show himself. In Ethiopia has got about 500 survivors!!! These wolves lives in the afroalpine zone, only in the Simien Mountain and the Bale Mountain which lies in the country’s south part. Above the rocks the huge endemic bird, the Lamergeyer – unique species of vultures – shows its sometimes almost 3 meters wing-spread. These species have some of the biggest measures, but this mountain is home of some smaller animals and home for 3 species of rat…While the afroalpine zone means mountain grassland this spotted plant gigantism. The highest plant is the giant lobelia, which is common in every african alpine zone, like in the Simien. Other important elements of the flora are the erica grass, heathers, everlasting flowers, and the yellow flowers saint john’s wort.

How to get there: The town in Debark is the gateway to the Simien mountains which ascend immediately East. Debark is located approximately 100km North of Gondar, which has an airport with daily flights to the Addis Ababa. Buses from Gondar to Debark take about 3-4 hours along an unpaved road and leave daily.

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