Monday, December 17, 2012

Galapagos Islands (the journey of your lifetime)

A trip to the Galapagos Islands will be the journey of your lifetime. Located 1,000 km from the Ecuadorian mainland, the archipelago consist of 13 major islands, of which 5 are inhabited. This geographical isolation enabled Galapagos Island creatures to slowly change into new versions of themselves, ones that are found nowhere else on earth. Famous examples include the marine iguana and giant tortoise. The islands were the catalyst for the evolution theory developed by Charles Darwin in the early 1800s. The archipelago has been known by many different names, including the “Enchanted Islands” because of the way in which the strong and swift currents made navigation difficult. The first crude navigation chart of the islands was done by the buccaneer Ambrose Cowley in 1684, and in those charts he named the islands after some of his fellow pirates or after the English noblemen who helped the pirates’ cause. The term “Galápagos” refers to the Spanish name given to the Giant Land Tortoises known to inhabit the islands.

* Baltra (South Seymour)
* Bartolomé
* Darwin (Culpepper)
* Española (Hood)
* Fernandina (Narborough)
* Floreana (Charles or Santa María)
* Genovesa Island (Tower)
* Isabela (Albemarle)
* Marchena (Bindloe)
* North Seymour
* Pinta (Abingdon)
* Pinzón (Duncan)
* Rábida (Jervis)
* San Cristóbal (Chatham)
* Santa Cruz (Indefatigable)
* Santa Fe (Barrington)
* Santiago (San Salvador, James)
* South Plaza
* Wolf (Wenman)
The Island’s interesting volcanic geology, as well as its rich flora and fauna have been admired and studied by numerous travelers, scientist, and nature-lovers. Scientist are still faced with a mystery how such a large diversity of species could develop in a remote location like the Galapagos Islands. On the Islands, a multitude of animals, by most people only known from the Discovery Channel, are romping about: the main reason for tourists and nature lovers to pay the Galapagos Islands a visit.

Everyone who has visited the islands has his own personal list. This is survey about Galapagos Islands travelers for their opinions on which wildlife creatures thrilled them the most. The consensus results:
1 Marine iguana
2 Giant tortoise
3 Blue footed booby
4 Land iguana
5 Penguin
6 Sea lion
7 Sally lightfoot crab
8 Waved albatross
9 Flamingo
10 Frigate bird
The Galapagos islands are ideal for adventure activities, whether your favourite adventure activities be snorkelling, kayaking, hiking or other adventures the Galapagos has activities for everyone. 

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