Friday, December 21, 2012

Niagara Falls (one of the largest falls on the Globe)

Niagara Falls is the second largest falls on the globe next to Victoria Falls in southern Africa.
One fifth of all the fresh water in the world lies in the four Upper Great Lakes-Michigan, Huron,Superior and Erie. All the outflow empties into the Niagara river and eventually cascades over the falls.
length of brink: 1060 feet
height: 176 feet (due to rocks at the base actual fall is 70 feet)volume of water: 150,000 U.S. Gallons per second
The word “Niagara” is derived from the Iroquois Indian word “Onguiaahra” meaning “the strait” There is an international boundary between the United States and Canada. Before the invention of film, tourists would sketch pictures of the Falls. The flow was also halted over both falls on March 30th 1848 due to an ice jam in the upper river.
The movies Niagara and Superman were filmed in part at the Falls.
In the past ten years, two daredevils lost their lives trying to conquer Niagara.
In the evenings, intense spotlights bathe the falls with different shades of color.
The first person to go over the Falls in a barrel and survive was a 63 year old
female schoolteacher.

High wire tightrope acts used to be performed across the river. Most notably was “Blondin” who once actually carried his manager across on his back, stopping midway to rest ! The Falls make a tremendous sound as the water goes over and lands at the bottom. Twenty percent of the worlds freshwater lies in the Great Lakes, and most flows over Niagara Falls.
The tremendous volume of water never stops flowing, However, the falling water and mist create ice formations along the banks of the falls and river. This can result in mounds of ice as thick as fifty feet.

If the Winter is cold for long enough, the ice will completely stretch across the river and form what is known as the “ice bridge”. This ice bridge can extend for several miles down river until it reaches the area known as the lower rapids. Until 1912,visitors were allowed to actually walk out on the ice bridge and view the Falls from below. February 24th of 1888 the local newspaper reported that at least 20,000 people watched or tobogganed on the ice. Shanties selling liquor, photographs and curiosities abounded. On February 4th 1912 the ice bridge broke up and three tourists lives were lost.

Niagara Falls, Canada provides a vast array of year-round activities for the entire family. Beautifully-maintained biking and walking trails line the world-famous Niagara gorge while numerous golf courses, ball diamonds, playing fields, swimming pools and rinks unite local citizens and contribute to a strong sense of community. Whether you currently reside in Niagara Falls or are planning to locate here, we invite you to explore and discover why Niagara Falls is a great place to call home. As the helicopter gently lifts off from our Victoria Avenue location, the awe-inspiring views of the Niagara Region begin to appear below. We wouldn’t want any picture-taking opportunity to be missed so cameras should be ready to go right from the start!

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